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A Triumph Over Adversity

In early 2023, devastation swept through the Kimberley region as record-breaking floods tore through communities, homes, and vital infrastructure. Among the most significant losses was the destruction of the Fitzroy River Bridge — a critical artery on the Great Northern Highway, which links Western Australia to the Northern Territory.

The disaster severed the only major highway across the Kimberley, cutting off dozens of remote Aboriginal communities and disrupting freight and commerce on a national scale. This disconnection had severe economic and social consequences, making the reconstruction of the bridge an urgent priority for the region, the state, and the nation.

Building Back Better

In an incredible effort, the Fitzroy River Bridge was designed and completed in just 10 months—six months ahead of schedule.

Fast forward to today: the new Fitzroy River Bridge stands 250 meters long—100 meters longer than its predecessor—and represents a $250 million investment in the Kimberley’s recovery and future.

This project wasn’t just about rebuilding; it was about improving. The new Fitzroy River Bridge is a two-lane structure, wider and more resilient than the single-lane bridge it replaced. Designed and constructed with the wet and dry seasons in mind, it stands as a model of innovative engineering in a remote and challenging environment.

A Community-Led Recovery

Over 260 local workers contributed to the project, with 25% of hours worked by Indigenous Australians, many gaining new skills and opportunities in the process. The Alliance also generated significant employment and commercial opportunities for Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Corporations, local suppliers and community members.

Traditional owners played a critical role, with their trust and involvement guiding the project from start to finish. The result is not just a bridge but a landmark of what can be achieved when expertise meets community dedication.

Looking Ahead

The reopening of the Fitzroy River Bridge was a milestone that marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. It now serves as a reminder of the importance of resilience, innovation, and community. Importantly, it underscores the value of investing in infrastructure that not only meets today’s needs but prepares us for the challenges of tomorrow. The new Fitzroy River Bridge was designed and constructed to survive extreme flood events in the future. The modified bridge length has increased hydraulic capacity of the river, and the structure contains twice the number of steel and concrete piles, driven twice as deep into the riverbed.

The New Fitzroy River Bridge project was named the 2024 Engineers Australia Project of the Year. The project was recognised for its engineering excellence, innovative construction, and ability to deliver critical infrastructure in a remote region.

Georgiou delivered the critical Fitzroy River Bridge project in Western Australia’s Kimberley Region, in an alliance with BMD Group, BG&E and Main Roads Western Australia in December 2023.

Georgiou takes pride in building infrastructure that connects people, communities, and helps economies thrive. The Fitzroy River Bridge project exemplifies what’s possible when innovation meets teamwork. To the incredible Alliance , our local partners and businesses, and community members who made this possible, thank you.