IS Rating Scheme Georgiou is a proud member of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council.
Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s (ISC) rating scheme (IS Rating Scheme – referred to as IS) is Australia and New Zealand’s only comprehensive system for evaluating sustainability across the planning, design, construction and operational phases of infrastructure programs, projects, networks and assets. IS evaluates the sustainability performance of the quadruple bottom line (Governance, Economic, Environmental and Social) of infrastructure development.

Infrastructure Sustainability rated projects
Georgiou has worked on several projects that have attained or are in the process of attaining an IS rating.
Tonkin Gap Alliance
As part of the Tonkin Gap Alliance, Georgiou Group – in alliance with Main Roads Western Australia, Public Transport Authority, BMD, WA Limestone, BG&E and GHD – will deliver the $400 million Tonkin Gap project. The Tonkin Gap Project will address the current bottleneck where the highway reduces from three lanes to two in Bayswater and Redcliffe, significantly reducing travel times and improving safety.
The Associated Works will provide rail-enabling works for the METRONET Morley-Ellenbrook Line along Tonkin Highway, including underpasses and dive structures, to enable trains to enter and travel along the median of Tonkin Highway then exit in Malaga.
Scope of works for the project include:
- additional traffic lanes in each direction between Collier Road and Dunreath Drive;
- new bridges over the Swan River, Guildford Road, Railway Parade, the Midland Line railway and Dunstone Road;
- upgrades to the Guildford Road and Great Eastern Highway interchanges;
- a Principal Shared Path with bridges, underpasses and local connections for cyclists and pedestrians; and
- noise walls, lighting and amenity improvements.
To see the sustainability targets in place on the project, click here.
Mitchell Freeway Extension
Georgiou Group – in joint venture with BMD Construction – is delivering the $215 million Mitchell Freeway Extension project in WA for repeat client Main Roads Western Australia.
The project, which will extend the Mitchell Freeway 5.6 kilometres from Hester Avenue in Clarkson to Romeo Road in Alkimos, includes:
- Extend Mitchell Freeway from Hester Avenue to Romeo Road, with two traffic lanes in each direction;
- construct an interchange at Lukin Drive and widen the road to Connolly Drive;
- construct an interchange at Butler Boulevard;
- connect Romeo Road from Wanneroo Road to Marmion Avenue, including a new intersection with the Freeway, signal modifications at the Marmion Avenue intersection, an intersection upgrade at Wanneroo Road, and a new intersection at Benenden Avenue;
- upgrade the Hester Avenue interchange;
- duplicate Wanneroo Road from south of Romeo Road to Trian Road;
- construct a bridge or tunnel over Transperth’s Nowergup Depot access road and realign to Hester Avenue;
- construct a rail tunnel under the freeway north of Lukin Drive;
- build a Principal Shared Path on the western side of the freeway and a shared path on Romeo Road;
- build a fauna underpass at Romeo Road for the Yaberoo Budjara Trail;
- construct a pedestrian underpass at Lukin Drive; and
- install noise and screen walls, safety barriers and lighting where required.
The extension will alleviate pressure on the local road network, reduce travel times and improve safety for commuters and the local community.
To see the project’s sustainability targets, click here.
Townsville Ring Road Stage 5
Georgiou is currently delivering the design and construct contract for the Bruce Highway-Townsville Ring Road Stage 5 project, by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DMTR).
The $230 million project involves the duplication of the remaining 5.2km, two-lane undivided section of the Townsville Ring Road between Vickers Bridge and Shaw Road.
Aside from duplication the remaining 2-lane section of the Townsville Ring Road, the team will complete the appropriate bridges and drainage for flood mitigation, lighting, intelligent transport systems, noise mitigation measures and environmental protections.
When complete, the entire 36km Bruce Highway link through Townsville will be a 4-lane standard. Construction is underway with expected completion set for early 2023.
The TRR5 Sustainability Policy is based on the Queensland Government’s vision, TMR’s sustainability commitments, and project specific sustainability objectives and targets. The TRR5 project will achieve an IS rating by:
- Embedding environmental and sustainability outcomes by establishing sustainability objectives and targets.
- Working closely with customers, stakeholders and local communities to achieve resilient outcomes for all road users and society.
- Adopting decision making processes that are industry recognised to integrate economic, social, environmental and governance into design and construction practices.
- Preparing for the challenges presented by climate change by undertaking climate change workshop(s) and addressing key findings.
- Addressing environmental considerations in a manner sensitive to the needs of stakeholders and the environment to enhance environmental outcomes wherever practical.
- Promoting safer workplaces through innovation and collaboration through effective planning and management of risks.
- Enhancing workforce health and wellbeing, through inclusion, diversity and employee empowerment plans such as indigenous employment programmes.
- Sourcing sustainably and ethically, prioritising local industry participation, social procurement initiatives and committing to avoiding modern slavery.
- Encouraging innovation among project delivery teams to achieve sustainable and measurable outcomes.
- Reporting on sustainability performance and being accountable for meeting environmental and social responsibilities.
- Supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by achieving an ISCA Design and an As Built rating of Excellent.
- Enhancing the local ecosystem by developing and implementing a Grassland Rehabilitation Plan.
- Committing to a reduction in the use of potable water where possible.
- Minimising waste by using the implementation of the waste hierarchy of avoidance, reduction, reuse and recycling.
Gateway WA
The Gateway WA Perth Airport and Freight Access Project, valued at $1 billion, comprised the widening 7km of Tonkin Highway to six lanes, upgrading 3km of Leach Highway to expressway standard, constructing four new grade separated interchanges and upgrading a fifth interchange, including the Grand Gateway three-level interchange that provides new access to Perth Airport.
Gateway WA incorporates road and bridge improvements, local road modifications, 21km of continuous grade separated shared path and local connections for pedestrians and cyclists. In addition, it has delivered 6km of noise/screen walls, landscaping, including installing approximately one million plants, embracing innovative urban design and intelligent transport system technology.
The project achieved the second highest Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) rating for a completed infrastructure construction project in Australia and was awarded an ‘Excellent’ IS As Built rating by the prestigious Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA).
A number of sustainable initiatives delivered by the Gateway WA Alliance team led to the achievement of the ‘Excellent’ IS As Built rating, including:
- outstanding management of substantial volumes of waste;
- relocating animals found in the project area;
- working with members of the local Aboriginal community to enhance the recognition of heritage through public art; and
- delivering an innovative design for the new Roe Highway/Berkshire Road interchange, the first of its kind in Australia.
- Waste management: The Gateway WA Alliance excelled in managing waste. Waste management practices included recycling more than ninety five percent of waste sent offsite and processing 850,000 tonnes, the equivalent of 38 Olympic sized swimming pools, of unsuitable material onsite, diverting this from being sent to landfill.
- Protection of fauna and minimisation of clearing: During the project design phase, planning took place to survey more than 1,000 established trees in the clearing zones to analyse for potential retention. Gateway WA also undertook a program for trapping and relocation of animals found in the project area, this included relocating more than 100 bandicoots prior to clearing.
- Recognition of heritage: Members from the Gateway WA project team and the local Aboriginal community worked together to inform the project scope with the aim of reducing impact to heritage sites within the project area and enhancing the heritage through urban design and public art features. The City Link Noise Wall Art work, incorporating an acknowledgement of Noongar land and culture written in both English and Noongar languages, is an example of the recognition of the heritage of the area.
- Innovation: Gateway WA was rewarded for their innovative ‘tennis ball’ or ‘cut-through’ design of the Roe Highway/Berkshire Road interchange, the first of its kind in Australia. This innovative design was aimed at improving road user safety by reducing the impact of potential crashes.
Moorebank Logistics Park West
Georgiou is currently delivering the Moorebank Logistics Park West for client, QUBE, valued at $94 million. The contract’s scope of work includes delivering all civil and infrastructure works required for the Moorebank Logistics Park West project, including clearing, bulk earthworks, earth retaining structures, access roads and stormwater and drainage.
QUBE holdings Ltd (the client) are working towards attainment of IS and Greenstar ratings for Moorebank Logistics Park which includes the west and east precincts. Georgiou is undertaking stage 2 of the west precinct and will undertake the IS requirements for this portion of work. The stage 2 of West precinct is set for completion in April 2021.
The Northern Road Upgrade - Mersey Road to Eaton Road
Georgiou partnered with Ertech on the Northern Road upgrade project, between Mersey Road, Bringelly and Eaton Road, Luddenham for Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), valued at more than $120 million.
Georgiou/Ertech are responsible for attaining a stage of the IS rating as the overall rating will be combined between the Northern Road Stage 4,5, and 6. Stage 4 target is an excellent rating for construct only category under the V1.2 criteria.
The 5.7km road construction project includes:
- the diversion and widening of the Northern Road between Mersey Road and Eaton Road around the site of the Western Sydney Airport ;
- a left in/left out intersection at Dwyer Road;
- a u-turn controlled with traffic lights for access to the Leppington Pastoral Company;
- new traffic lights at the service entrance to Western Sydney Airport;
- new traffic lights at the T-intersection with the bypassed Northern Road (north of Eaton Road);
- a left in/left out intersection for Eaton Road (East);
- cyclist and pedestrian facilities; and
- related works including relocation of utilities.
The project is set for completion in August 2020 with the project team still progressing towards an IS rating for this stage of works.
Pimlico to Teven Stage 3
The Pacific Highway Woolgoolga to Ballina (W2B) upgrade project is Australia’s largest regional public infrastructure project and the nation’s first Delivery Partner procurement model.
The project involves the duplication of approximately 155 kilometres of road to a four-lane divided road on the Pacific Highway. The upgrade will begin 6 kilometres north of Woolgoolga and end approximately 6 kilometres south of Ballina.
As part of the project, Georgiou delivered the Pimlico to Teven Stage 3 works in 2019. Pacific Complete is the delivery partner for W2B and have been progressing towards, and IS rating for entire project. Georgiou worked with Pacific complete to achieve and report on all IS requirements for the Pimlico to Teven Stage 3 works. While Georgiou’s portion of the work is complete, the overall W2B project is set for completion in mid-late 2020 with the delivery team (Pacific Complete) still progressing towards an IS rating.
Centenary Bridge
Georgiou Group, in joint venture with BMD, is delivering the $298 million Centenary Bridge Upgrade project for repeat client, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.
The project involves construction of a new three-lane northbound bridge, rehabilitation of existing bridges to create southbound lanes and upgrade to pedestrian and cyclist facilities on this critical transport connection to Brisbane’s western suburbs.
Construction on the project is set to commence in 2023 with an expected completion in four years.
To see the project’s Sustainable Procurement Policy, click here.
Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) self-assessments
The following projects are undertaking a self-assessment against the IS rating scheme. This means they have not formally applied with ISCA for a IS accreditation.
Leach Highway And Welshpool Road Interchange
Georgiou is currently delivering much-needed upgrades to the Leach Highway – Welshpool Road interchange, in an alliance with Main Roads WA, BG&E, and Golder Associates.
Valued at $93 million, the project scope of works includes:
- construction of a new bridge taking Leach Highway over Welshpool Road to create a grade-separated interchange;
- duplication of the existing Leach Highway Bridge over rail; and
- a new shared path along Leach Highway from Sevenoaks Street to Orrong Road.
The Leach Highway – Welshpool Road Interchange project will create 600 local jobs, reduce congestion and deliver more consistent and reduced journey times on one of Perth’s most congested and dangerous intersections.
High Street Upgrade
The joint Australian and WA government project will bust congestion and dramatically improve safety along a 1.5km section of High Street between Carrington Street and Stirling Highway, with construction and design works being undertaken by Georgiou. About 700 jobs will be created during construction which included:
- A new roundabout at the intersection of High Street and Stirling Highway
- Widened median on High Street to separate traffic lanes and maximise mature tree preservation
- Single-lane one-way service road for residents on the northern side of High Street
- New underpass at the junction of Forrest Street and Stirling Highway
- New underpass at the junction of Montreal Street and High Street.
The project was delivered on behalf of MRWA in line with their current strategic direction, Keeping WA Moving. This means that when planning for and designing the project works, Georgiou simultaneously considered social, environmental and economic matters to ensure the works were consistent with sustainability principles.
Under the IS V2.0 Rating Scheme, the Project has implemented the following sustainability target areas to plan and deliver our works sustainably; Leadership and Management, Context, Energy and Carbon, Sustainable Procurement, Resilience, Innovation, Economic, Environmental Impacts, Green Infrastructure, Resource Efficiency, Water, Ecology, Stakeholder Engagement, Legacy, Heritage and Workforce Sustainability. The pursuit of these targets aligns our approach with the internationally agreed United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to engage and commit to sustainability in infrastructure.
To assist in meeting this requirement Georgiou made the following key Project Sustainability documents publicly available:
Karel Avenue Upgrade
STATUS: COMPLETE, VERIFIED BY MRWA (Design Score of 59 (EXCELLENT) and AS Built Score of 51 (EXCELLENT)).
Georgiou Group, on behalf of Main Roads, delivered the $28.7 million Karel Avenue Upgrade project jointly
funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, City of Cockburn and Jandakot Airport.
The Karel Avenue Upgrade project involved:
- widening Karel Avenue bridge over Roe Highway to create a dual carriageway, connecting at the two-lane dog-bone roundabouts for on and off-ramps;
- extending Karel Avenue bridge across the freight railway line located immediately south of Roe Highway to facilitate construction of the Thornlie-Cockburn Link as part of METRONET;
- extending the existing Karel Avenue underpass to accommodate the widening;
- modifying the existing Training Place intersection to left-in and left-out to promote safe access;
- widening of Karel Avenue between the Farrington Road intersection and Roe Highway to four lanes; and
- widening of Karel Avenue between Roe Highway and the Berrigan Drive roundabout to a four-lane dual carriageway, including modifications to the roundabout approaches to enable two lanes in each direction
The project was delivered on behalf of MRWA in line with their current strategic direction, Keeping WA Moving. This means that when planning for and designing the project works, Georgiou simultaneously considered social, environmental and economic matters to ensure the works are consistent with sustainability principles.
Under the IS V1.2 Rating Scheme, the Project implemented the following sustainability target areas to plan and deliver our works sustainably; Management & Governance, Using Resources, Emissions, Pollution & Waste, People & Place, Ecology and Innovation.
Roe Highway / Kalamunda Road Interchange
Georgiou Group, on behalf of Main Roads, has delivered the $51 million Roe Highway and Kalamunda Road Interchange Project.
The project saw Roe Highway lowered by approximately nine metres to pass beneath Kalamunda Road, minimising noise and visual intrusion for residents in the surrounding area. Connectivity between the two roads was retained through two roundabouts on Kalamunda Road as well as on- and off-ramps to the highway.
A Principal Shared Path (PSP) was constructed on the eastern side of the highway, with local connectivity provided for pedestrians and cyclists. Following an additional State Government funding commitment in March 2019, this path extended to Berkshire Road, completing a missing link in the PSP network along Roe Highway.
The project was delivered on behalf of MRWA in line with their current strategic direction, Keeping WA Moving. This means that when planning for and designing the project works, Georgiou simultaneously considered social, environmental and economic matters to ensure the works are consistent with sustainability principles.
Under the IS V2.0 Rating Scheme, the Project implemented the following sustainability target areas to plan and deliver our works sustainably; Leadership and Management, Context, Energy and Carbon, Sustainable Procurement, Resilience, Innovation, Economic, Environmental Impacts, Green Infrastructure, Resource Efficiency, Water, Ecology, Stakeholder Engagement, Legacy, Heritage and Workforce Sustainability. The pursuit of these targets aligns our approach with the internationally agreed United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to engage and commit to sustainability in infrastructure.