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Safety is My Way The wellbeing and safety of our people is our single most important priority in everything we do.

The safety and wellbeing of people at work, or people affected by Georgiou’s work, is a priority for the business. At Georgiou, people are the most important asset and work health and safety is everyone’s responsibility.

In 2013, Georgiou introduced the Safety is My Way initiative, recognising individuals (employees and subcontractors) for their contribution to safety in the workplace and their safe behaviour. We recognise these individuals at monthly ceremonies across our projects with a quarterly and annual award winner selected from each State.

Georgiou is committed to getting our people home safely every day. We also drive our safety message home through various campaigns.

A man in high viz moving materials on a trolley.

Safety from the eyes of our kids

Safety is My Way

Critical Risk Management

Critical Risk Management (CRM) allows Georgiou to understand which activities have the biggest potential to harm our people – and more importantly, understand if these risks are well controlled, which is pivotal to creating a safer workplace. Through increased understanding of critical risks and a commitment to embed critical controls at the front line, we can all help ensure everyone returns home safely at the end of each day.

Our Critical Risk Management Standard addresses 10 critical risks:

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Georgiou’s Critical Risk Management Contractor Handbook provides an easy to follow overview of our safety requirements including Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and mandatory controls for critical risks.

Our poster series keeps our 10 critical risks and their mandatory controls visible on site and front of mind – each with a QR linking back to the resources on this page.