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Project Introduction

Georgiou delivered 65 residential stages within the Stockland Calleya Estate.

Over eight years, Georgiou delivered this project which is located adjacent to the nearby Cockburn Central Precinct in Western Australia.

Challenges faced on the Stockland Calleya Estate project included an additional 30,000m3 of uncontrolled fill discovered during operations, with several thousand cubic metres of cut-to-fill and cut-to-stockpile scope added during the project. As a consequence, civil stages 1-4 began whilst earthworks operations were undertaken on Armadale Road and surrounding stages. This presented a major challenge of site congestion and plant/personnel interaction.

Georgiou met the challenge by taking measures to exclude heavy plant haulage zones from civil crews and emphasizing the importance of site communication. Georgiou and labour hire personnel performed extremely well in this high-risk situation.

Additionally, Calleya Estate has pockets of protected species including the Carnaby Black Cockatoo. This is communicated in the induction stage so staff are aware of its presence. Additionally, Spider Orchids are located to the north of the project, which is fenced off and demarcated. When complete, this southern precinct will total approximately 465 lots.

  • Civil
  • Residential
  • Urban Development
Calleya Estate Project Page


Project scope included:

  • cut-to-fill operations with a total volume of more than 400,000m3;
  • cut-to-stockpile with a total volume of more than 150,000m3 for the future northern precinct;
  • remediation of uncontrolled fill in southern precinct totaling more than 100,000m3 cut, replaced and compacted;
  • cut-to-fill and cut-to-stockpile operations for the Armadale Road and Fraser Road tie-in; and
  • civil works including roadworks, sewer reticulation, stormwater drainage, underground power, retaining walls and water reticulation.
WA_Infrastructure_Calleya Estate_101 (Large)