Project Introduction
Georgiou, in 50:50 joint venture with CPB Contractors, is delivering the $494 million M12 Motorway (West) project for repeat client, Transport for New South Wales.
The M12 Motorway project forms a key part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan. The Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan is a joint initiative of the Australian and NSW governments to fund a $4.4 billion road and transport program for Western Sydney and is designed to capitalise on the economic benefits of the Western Sydney Airport as part of an integrated transport solution for the Western Sydney region.
- Civil
- Transport

Scope of works A 6km dual carriageway motorway.
Scope of works involves construction of a 6km dual carriageway motorway between The Northern Road, Luddenham and 400-metres east of Badgerys Creek, along with construction of 11 bridges and a grade-separated interchange connected with the Western Sydney Airport