Project Introduction
Georgiou delivered the New England Highway Upgrade at Bolivia Hill.
The New England Highway Upgrade project, delivered in joint venture with SRG, involved construction of 2.1km of new road, a new 320-metre long bridge, wider lanes in each direction and widened road shoulders to improve safety.
Located 35km south of Tenterfield, the project is expected to improve road safety, improve road transport productivity, efficiency and reliability of travel and minimise the impact on the natural, culture and built environment.
- Civil
- Transport
Scope of works for the project also included:
- upgrading 2.1 km of the New England Highway;
- widening of the existing two-lane highway to provide a minimum shoulder width of two metres;
- construction of a bridge approximately 320m-long to realign the highway between chainage 57,705 and 58,025;
- realigning the highway (horizontally and vertically) between chainage 58,150 and 58,600;
- construction of a temporary compound site accessible from Pyes Creek Road, which will allow for concrete batching plant, site office, laydown and stockpile areas during construction;
- design, verification and construction of access tracks connecting the compound site to the bridge pier locations via the valley floor; and
- removal and regrading of temporary access tracks to provide permanent 4WD drive access.

- Winner of CCF NSW Earth Awards – New England Highway Upgrade at Bolivia Hill (Category $75-$150 million)