Project Introduction
Georgiou Group is delivering the $78 million Spring Farm Parkway Stage 1 project by repeat client, Transport for New South Wales.
Spring Farm Parkway at Menangle Park will ultimately provide a connection between Camden Bypass, the Hume Motorway and Menangle Road to provide an east-west link that would service existing and future residential land releases and support the Greater Macarthur Growth Area.
Stage 1 of the Spring Farm Parkway will provide a new four lane divided road extending almost one kilometre. The Parkway would connect Menangle Road to the Hume Motorway and Spring Farm, Elderslie, and Menangle Park.
- Civil
- Transport
Scope of Work Connecting existing and future residential land releases.
Scope of works involves construction of a new four-lane 1km divided road connecting Menangle Road to Menangle Park Urban Release Area, including an interchange over the Hume Highway with city-facing on and off ramps, shared-use path and four new signalised intersections.